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Hydrotalcite for Polyolefin

Hydrotalcite-Enhanced Polyolefin: Optimizing Applications from Resin Production to Conversion

Empowering Polyolefin Applications: Enhancing Performance Through Acid Scavenging Solutions

Kisuma is the world’s largest producer of synthetic hydrotalcites with optimized production capacity and multiple facilities worldwide. Our products are used as functional, performance and value-added additives, throughout the polyolefin value chain, including resin production, masterbatches, compounding and conversion.

From a multitude of rigid and flexible applications, our hydrotalcites are present on an immensely diverse range of industries, directly from post-reactor polyolefin resin production to converted components. Our tailored technical approach is involved in every processing step in production of processing polypropylene and polyethylene materials. By a meticulous formulated approach involving resin and additives, we can effectively thwart the detrimental effects caused by processing stressors. Contact us today to learn more about our hydrotalcite for polyolefin products.

Key Benefits

Non-toxic alternative that enables non-heavy metal heat stabilization system

Hydrotalcite for Polyolefin benefits

Global technical and food contact approvals

Perfect acid scavenger for polymer production and compounding

DHT™-4a & DHT™-4V

DHT™-4 is the flagship of our branded range of synthetic hydrotalcite materials. It is the industry’s gold standard for deactivation of acidic residues in polyolefins. Through irreversible anionic exchange deactivation, DHT™-4 ensures polymers are protected and will process and perform to their full potential. Our products protect your assets from corrosion, prevent deactivation of functional additives, increase hydrolytic stability and improve organoleptic properties.

Polyolefin Applications

Hydrotalcite for Polyolefin Applications
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Alcamizer Applications

Request a Call Back

Our broad hydrotalcite portfolio is a result of more than 50 years of intensive dedication, research and collaboration with industry leaders. We are sure we have a solution for your specific needs.

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